Client: Prominent Medical Centre in Kuala Lumpur
The client needed an all-in-one application (web & mobile) to control the hospital activities and to include all details regarding doctors, patients, nurses, hospital administration etc.
The client needed an all-in-one application (web & mobile) to control the hospital activities and to include all details regarding doctors, patients, nurses, hospital administration etc.
HospiNEXT application can be accessed by either mobile or web. The application combines all details regarding doctors, patients, nurses, hospital administrative, etc. into one software. HospiNEXT comprises of various modules – login, registration, administration, patient management, doctor management, nurse management, appointment management, lab & tests management, pharmacy, stock management and billing management.
HospiNEXT gives complete automation of all the activities in a hospital from registration to appointment booking to patient visit to electronic prescription to tracking lab tests to inpatient info to pharmacy to operation theatre booking to billing.
HospiNEXT handles many tasks depending on the functions of the hospital and supports policy-making, guarantees communication and coordination between staff, automates routine tasks, designs patient-focused workflows, manages human and financial resources and delivers an uninterrupted supply chain.